Hotline Operations

Do you have an incident of Fraud, Waste, Abuse, or mismanagement to report?

Smart businesses and corporations are always one step ahead. Do not wait if you suspect any illegal uses of funds or any other illegal activity.

Your investors and shareholders trust you. Even one scandal can imperil your relationship with them. In case of any fraudulent activities, it is vital you do not hesitate and get in touch with our consultants right away to get sound advice. Our available support will guide you through our procedure right away.

Know your rights: Whistle Blower Protection

Have a suspicious activity to report? If you are an employee, the Whistle Blower Protection act will protect you from any retaliatory measures from above, for voluntarily disclosing illegal activities.

Are you a Whistle Blower?

For the Whistle-Blower Protection Act to apply to you, you can be employed at the local, state, or federal level in the government. WPA may differ across states, however. Get in touch with us today to find out the protection you can get.

Are you employed in the private sector or a nonprofit organization? There are laws to protect you too. Please get contact us through the hotline right away.